"IIIM Jammu is in the process of creating a State-of-Art National Facility for small and medium scale manufacturers from north India and the state of J&K in particular to get their products manufactured under GMP/GLP conditions besides its use for research in IIIM" ...

Vision of TBI

The concept of Technology Business Incubator (TBI) has emerged as a novel and a very pro-active approach where an unique opportunity is provided to gestate fledgling researches to full fledged technologies capable of being transferred to the industry for ready commercialization. TBI IIIM Jammu provides a portal for entrepreneurs, small to medium industries and major established industries in the field of biotechnology, Companies involved in the production of herbal drugs under cGMP plant, pilot plant fermentation facility for the production of industrially important bioactive molecules, to come forth and develop a consortium of commercially viable technological enterprises.

At this TBI, ideas and innovations will be nurtured in a holistic view along with the incubation of juvenile technologies into commercially feasible ventures. This TBI shall provide an unique interface for academic and industry wherein the laboratory scale research can be converted into pilot scale processes. Product development shall also form an important part of this TBI. State of the art technical and incubation facilities have been developed in different area which will help incubatees in developing newer innovation and ideas into feasible technologies and their subsequent commercialization.

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